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HBO Bachelor: Business and Management

Beschrijving opleiding

Business Roles The skills offered as part of the Pearson BTEC Higher National Diploma can provide graduates with the opportunity to work in many different areas of the business sector. Some examples of job roles are: Business Manager Business Development Manager Business Advisor BTEC BTEC qualifications are awarded by Pearson, the UK’s largest awarding body offering academic and Lees verder »


Program The Kronenburgh International Business program is a three years, full-time program. The program is build on the UK (United Kingdom) higher education qualification system: first year: BTEC Level 4 Higher National Certificate in Business second year: BTEC Level 5 Higher National Diploma in Business third year: University TOP-up program: Bachelor degree / Bsc (Hons) So every year is Lees verder »


Kronenburgh is a private college, therefore there is nog governmental school funding. College fee first year € 14,995,- / College fee first year € 14,995,- (Optional pay in 10 instalments per year € 1.536,99) (College fee includes: registration fee, introduction fee, flight and hotel costs study trip). Study materials: first year € 775,- (based on 2018-2019) / Study materials second Lees verder »


  Niveau HBO
  Duur 3
  Vormen Voltijd, Deeltijd, Duaal
  Branches Economie & Financieel

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Instelling(en): Kronenburgh MEAO College Den Haag
Controle code*: e7725Typ de code exact over: (hoofdlettergevoelig)

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